Friday, November 30, 2007
Making sense
All because of "cents"
Fark....."cents" makes no perfect sense at all.
Am I making sense?
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Why did I move?
to a land you grew with spacious corn cobs.
(Why am I talking about food...digress!)
Tanglin Halt, Blk 54
Soldier of fortune, a land of goals and misses....ahhhh...EVERGREEN!
Jurong West, Ave 1,Blk 486
White tiles, midnight tip-toeing to the Koala chocolate bar (darn..I can't help it!)
The air-con landed itself with a great thud,on top of me.
Home alone was the norm and choking on 50 cent coin made me reflect on the frugality of age 9.
oH...THE's dead!
Jurong West, St 42,Blk 433
The field spreads with malicious delight!
Choa Chu Kang
The Kranji camp,bus 302
Tabula rasa
Born into this world with no innate mental content
Waiting to be heard and trace with every bit of content from sensorial experiences.
Abstract seems secondary, nothing in this world it seems,
the frugality of life,a sudden impetus to you and me.
For all the sacrifices I was all worth it. Materials becomes secondary but an added boost from it clears you off.....I'm deranged no more! (hur..hur....)
You are loved, Ms Ezan!
Love you my "tabula rasa!"
Pressing for time
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Just follow lor
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3...ooooohhh...interesting
Channel 4...sappy love drama...hai
Channel 5.........dei....
Back to Channel 2.....News 5 tonight
"If we read the Economist, many have quoted how Singapore have kept abreast with changes and we have come a long way to tackle the income gap (oh really?) Sometimes it is "ok lah to be kiasu" because if "you ya-ya",you'll be at a losing point!"
Viewer's discretion: Please be advised that it's all in reported speech....a bad one indeed but it's somewhere along the line. Tune in to online news for exact updates but I'll assure you that the word, "kiasu and ya-ya" is confirmed...AFFIRMATIVE!
No, we're looking for "Alvin!" (clue:buck-tooth)
You noisy, pernicious pernikety punk!
Not's a need!
This is not random.
It's an obligation...strictly from the heart!
Thank you Ma for...
Hanging the clothes out for me!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Random: Jumari,Farhan FaRogue,Sky and Ali
Finishing off each other sentences at random (but of course one may never know who cheated on who. I did...ooops...taking about a minute or two to type something out.Hey that's not random...shhh..he doesn't knows!)
Anyway,let's start:
jj - Jughead, joker junkie,jester
Courtesy of Jumari (music encyclopedia,updates me on the 'unheard')
The football diary of Nick Saban (random search result)
9 days away from kickoff
The king of Bama is doing just fine until
Jester,Lester, Pumpkin boy and the Press
Are all dreaming,Bama is a mess.
Next victim caught off-guard: Farhan Farook
Wassup - great match, goal scorer,shhh...away, bip test,Beckham and shower.
Courtesy of the rogue (pun intended,get it?) himself, met randomly on the net.Never know he was playing for S-League until I saw him score against Woodlands an Super Reds.Yikes....great dude...very laid-back. I did not know it was him until i asked him at random,"'re soccer player right?Boy....I was not wrong about that!
Boy, you love to run
you love the test
You failed once, you take the rest
Oh,you're prone to flashing (wait a minute, I'm not done yet!)
Which is nice to see
Hence we know, that you expose
Well, when it comes to photography.
(What were you thinking dude?)
Sky- met randomly on the net,never know his name!
Courtesy of tagged - huh? Boleh?
Very the malay!
Nevertheless,random clicking pave its way.
Ode to the man who kneels to the sky
Off bleak and droll and strangely enough,
images of cowboys and the women who hurt them
A lyrical monologue that surpasses blurry past, present and the future
Primal screams of solitary confinement into which those words dissolve.
Courtesy of Ali Akhbar
? - Ezan was my classmate back in JI(jurong institute)
Sepak takraw
One thing that came into my mind when the word JI,03A1 pops out: Sepak takraw
Funny, it should have been hockey eh?
I'm a nut and so are you!
I'm a streetlight!
Opportunity cost and Jude the Obscure
Pak Sanggup and his holy moronic karate kick.
There I was kicking with my Madeline's skirt,
"Baik dok...kick it like this!"
The Tornados team did get a win against the local Khalsa side with Ali Akhbar meeting the goal after a superb run down the right flank and unleashing an unstoppable shot. <
At random,
Memoirs Part 7
A deep, sinking feeling
You begin to wonder.
The unfathomable seems hard to resist at times,
The unmistakable feeling, you ponder for a second, a minute, an hour, for eternity
Walking through many loopholes
You see the impossibilities of life
Through many potholes you've passed,
Never once did you realise that each hole has a story!
A subject matter yet to be found, to be seen
The unseen seems blurry, yet mystic
One could only wonder the many possiblities that could happen,
I did (subconsciously), have you?
Monday, July 16, 2007 - Oxymoron
What is the unknown, the unseen?
We are always caught in a swirling whirpool.
We are constantly caught in a conspiracy.
We've always been under the pretence,
I say," Who will watch the watchdog?"
Such contradiction...
"So foul and fair a day I have not seen", William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act 1, Scene iii
The problem is that reason, as we've come to know it, doesn't run the universe.
Memoirs Part 6
Tranquility Current mood: mellow
Life....a period of confinement.
Such serenity and peace is priceless to the inner soul.
Living in isolation may sound reclusive but it's worth the bargain.
Close my eyes, take a moment
As I feel the soft, alluring touch of the wind as it slowly caress my
body, my face, my soul,
Whispers of joy, "come with me, walk with me..."
Heavenly Jerusalem, Christminster,
There was always a wall between us, like Jude,
Like Sue Bridehead, the sexless creature.
I sat down and cried.........
Memoirs Part 5
Utter gibberish,bull-spanking shit!
Thursday, September 6, 2007 - Life as it is
We shed light upon those who needed it the most
Our constant empathy to many who have suffered beyond
Life is full of uncertainties,it's like a race,like a bicycle to me
As you wheel through the crowd,on the roadside,
you met many cyclists.
Many of whom have cycled from different walks of life
There is always a mixture of emotions, welling up inside,
In each and everyone of us.
One view it as a journey and take life as it is,
some view it as a competition,along the road,you'll meet with some accidents.
It's inevitable,why do things happen the way we did not expect them to be?
The life of every human being is, at some point, touched by tragedy.
It appears without warning and brings with it permanent disability.
Life is a constant risk, and anyone who forgets this will be unprepared for the challenges that fate have in store.
When faced by a great loss, be it material, spiritual, we need to remember the great lessons taught to us by the wise, patience, and the certainty that everything in life is temporary.
Why do we let all the pain and suffering escalate and not do something about it? (easy for us to say that!)
Why not take advantage of the sudden change, and spend our days doing the things we have always wanted to do.
Breathe,inhale,exhale...take a moment, reflect...
Memoirs Part 4
'As everyone knows, the life of a cloud is very busy and very short,' writes Bruno Ferrero. And here's a related story.
A young cloud was born in the midst of a great storm over the Mediterranean Sea, but he did not even have time to grow up there, for a strong wind pushed all the clouds over towards Africa.
As soon as the clouds reached the continent, the climate changed. A bright sun was shining, in the sky and, stretched out beneath them, lay the golden sands of Sahara.Since it almost never rains in the desert, the wind continued pushing the clouds towards the forests in the south.
Meanwhile, as happens with young humans too, the young cloud decided to leave his parents and his older friends in order to discover the world.
"What are you doing?" cried the wind. 'The desert's the same all over. Rejoin the other clouds, and we'll go to Central Africa where there are amazing mountains and trees!'
But the young cloud, a natural rebel, refused to obey, and gradually, he dropped down until he found a gentle, generous breeze that allowed him to hover over the golden sands. After much toing and froing, he noticed that one of the dunes was smiling at him.
He saw that the dune was also young, newly formed by the wind that had just passed over. He fell in love with her golden hair right there and then.
"Good morning", he said. "What's life like down there?"
"I have the company of the other dunes, of the sun and the wind, and of the caravans that occasionally pass through here. Sometimes, it's really hot, but it's still bearable. What's life like up there?
"We have the sun and wind too, but the good thing is that I can travel across the sky and see more things.'
"For me", said the dune,"life is short. When the wind returns from the forests, I will disappear."
"And does that make you sad?", said the cloud.
"It makes me feel that I have no purpose in life", said the dune.
"I feel the same. As soon as another wind comes along, I'll go south and be transformed into rain, but that is my destiny", said the cloud.
The dune hesitated for a moment, then said:
"Did you know that here in the desert, we call the rain paradise?"
" I have no idea I could ever be that important", said the cloud proudly.
"I've heard other older dunes tell stories about the rain. They say that, after the rain, we are all covered with grass and flowers. But I'll never experience that, because in the desert it rains so rarely,"said the dune.
It was the cloud's turn to hesitate now. The he smiled broadly and said:
"If you like, I could rain on you now. I know I've only just got here, but I love you, and I'd like to stay here forever."
"When I first saw you up on the sky, I fell in love with you too", said the dune. "But if you transform your lovely white hair into rain, you will die."
"Love never dies", said the cloud. "It is transformed and besides, I want to show you what paradise is like."
And he began to caress the dune with little drops of rain, so that they could stay together for longer, until a rainbow appeared.
The following day, the little dune was covered in flowers. Other clouds that passed over, heading for Africa, thought that it must be part of the forest they were looking for and scattered more rain. Twenty years later, the dune hs been transformed into an oasis that refreshed travellers with the shade of its trees.
And all because, one day,a cloud fell in love, and was not afraid to give his life for that love.
Adapted from, "Like the flowing River by Paulo Coelho"
Memoirs Part 3
Under the tandem umbrella,
She stoops to conquer
What's the immaterial substance that envelopes 2?
To what extent should one stoop to conquer?
Amidst the abyss, the narcissist, the great wall
Under the tandem umbrella,
I stoop and's just another dream!
Memoirs Part 2
Thursday, August 9, 2007 - Post-rock gives me time to hibernate
Being wholly wrapped in pure, unadulterated guitar noise is a wonderful thing. The music consumes you with unbounded emotions. Even without any verbal articulation, it speaks volumes. With deafening effect, it whispers into your ear tragic tales of broken hearts, near-death experiences and existential catastrophes. As you close your eyes and tilt your head upwards, it cleanses you with hope; makes you feel alive. It lifts you up, off the ground.
This is what post-rock does to you. Or at least, what it should do. Perhaps this is why our local independent music scene is saturated with post-rock bands. I am afterall a passionate true rocker (Lol!)
Thursday, August 16, 2007 - Cloud 9
He-who-cannot-be-name called me today,erm.....1 hour ago.
I'm in Cloud 9! (LOL!)
You're finding some way to stumble along again
We wonder why, why ever you've gone
Remembering two who had something special then
Just for today
there'll be only one
Memoirs Part 1
Life is full of choices,risk,moments,anticipation...what else?
It's just a matter for the right moment to act. Did I get that right?
It's also a matter of taking the road less travelled by others...justified?
You see, we are often trapped in such situations,certain crossroad that gives us mind-boggling decisions to make.
I would love to take the road less travelled by others but what are the possibilities of success,what's the probability?
But seriously...we need to!
So much for directing it to others (as you can see, I'm speaking mostly based on general terms: see... another concrete evidence of insecurity,stop it now will ya?)
The onus is on me to make it right and that would mean taking the road less travelled by others. I'm sure I'll survive (insyallah, with God's Grace)
Perharps I should change my perception about life.Life has always been about "opportunity cost",it's true!Reflect.....actions...follow through....
Saturday, July 21, 2007 - why do they always come and go?
When the eye meets the eye,
Sparks flew
Covalent bonding is just a mere perfection (covalent
Perfect evening often come to a stagnant stage
Sweet-nothings and coo-coooing over long,overhaul smses suddenly becomes too blunt,
Overthrow such perfections...embrace imperfections...don't meet!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Archery and me
There is nothing much I can do except to discover the main course of such imprecision.
I discovered the problem because my body was feeling older and less elegant. So I change my posture, stretch my spine, face the world with an open chest (no pun intended). When I think about my body, I am also thinking about my soul, and one will help the other.
The underlying statement...who?
With much love,
Prague in Yew Tee
Like the flowing River....
And I adore moi who-cannot-be-name
Shirley Whirley
Shirley Temple blooms
Ginger ale and 7-ups, a bottle of Perrier or two
Bourbon coke, make it a miss
A sudden influx of cherry ade
Super swing makes it a treat.
Written tales of loops and holes
Edited by Ezan
Square, pallid and pale,
He prays
The warmth, the bright neon lights, his illusion,
Donny Marko came to town
random thoughts....
Who adores doing things at random?
In a world force-fed with endless thoughts of perfection,
Shine your way through with random,be wise,be still