Sunday, December 30, 2007

Fashion mags

I'm not a me, I'm a wuss when it comes to fashion. So much for making a fashion statement say...."haute couture" I knew nuts about it.

Anyway,my brother caught me red-handed when I absent-mindedly walked into a bookstore and bought myself "Seventeen" magazine. Can you imagine me.....of all people reading "Seventeen" in public and yes...I read it in public.

No offence to the magazine though,the stuff in there is pretty good. I don't follow up with the fashion tips though, like what the normal locals might said, "she cannot make it one....wah piang eh!"

This month issue has been rather enlightening. I guess it must have been the countdown to the new year. They were giving truck loads of advice for those suffering from depression,low self-esteem and confidence and many other depressing statement that one could think of. I think it was a GREAT issue,thumbs up to them!

I guess, it has been a daunting moment for me, yet it was all worth it.

I have another problem though? How am I to tell the guy whom I do not have feelings for anymore without hurting his feelings? Oh bother...this sounds like yet another "Dear Kelly" services which you've often seen in magazines.I do not want to sound like an old hag or a better word to express my grievances would be "loser." Fair enough?

I believe totally in platonic relationship and I doubt he knows what it means either. It's really hard and it's really a tormentous moment for me. Will I change my number? I am being so mean and that is not me at all.


So much for being random, this is oh-so-not-random-lah makcik!

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